Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Tuesday March 27, 2018

Monday March 27, 2018

Blog time 0955 at Panera

For the first time in weeks the evening temperature did not get below freezing.  It rained all night and the rain will continue until noon.  The rain is badly needed.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  I did all my stretches and calisthenics at home.  It is raining so no bike.  I walked to Panera.  First time in ages that I was not wearing long underwear.

Sure sign that Spring is here.  I noted many earthworms on the sidewalks.  The robins will have a feast.

Yesterday I wrote about late March activities in my pre high school years.  We also use to play guns.  We all had play guns and we would choose up side.  One side would be the Marines and the other Japanese or German bad guys.  We would play for hours.  The game had no boundaries.  We would run all over the neighborhood shooting each other.  Great fun! If boys played this game today they would be punished and the Parents jailed.

The Census proposes asking folks they interview during the 2020 census if they are citizens.  A big firestorm has developed over this policy.  I really think the answer to this question should be part of our national database.

Will Turkey remain in NATO?  It’s recent actions are not winning many friends.  Free speech in Turkey is a thing of the past.  Free speech is also being denied in Russia, China and Hungary.

At 1130 I packed up and walked home.  It was still raining.  At home I got in the Escape and headed to Groskopfs and Bill and Paul’s Sporting Goods.  I purchased a collapsible walking stick at Groskopfs.  I also looked for a walking stick at Bill and Paul’s but they were too expensive.  I will take the walking stick to Chile/Argentina next month.  I am also looking for a good backpack but found none.

At home I had a quick lunch and then headed down stairs to finish reading the papers and work on the family tree.  Also ironed three pair of pants.  

Good grief can’t the folks investing in the stock market make up their mind.  First it is at +300 and then several hours later it is -300 a swing of 600.  Not much confidence in the folks playing with other people’s money.

For dinner Nancy is fixing a coleslaw salad with noodles and chicken. 

It is now 1530 so Nancy can start eating.  I will cut us up an apple.  Lately we have been enjoying an afternoon apple.  I believe the old saying about an apple a day.

Watched the news and at 2000 started watching CBS’s Tuesday night shows.

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