Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Tuesday March 20, 2018

Tuesday March 20, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera.

Today is the Vernal Equinox which is officially the first day of spring.  You would not know it in GR.  It was sunny but cold, 22, with 17 mph winds when I left home this morning.  I was glad I layered up because it was cold on the bike especially when pedaling into the wind.  I took the shorter, 5 mile, route to the Y.  I saw a lot of Robins on the ride and they looked super cold.

I have been wearing my UM tee for my workout.  I get a lot of comments.  Folks must be fickle because UM shirts today were the most popular, last week it was MSU.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  After, she is going to the Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  This afternoon we both are going to Costco for supplies.

I don’t know what a blockchain is?  

Facebook, Cambridge Analytica who knows what sort of influence they had on public opinion.  Conspiracy freaks are having a field day.  All this might result in some interesting books and movies.

Lunch and then we all headed to Costco.  Tuesday is a good day to shop at Costco because they were not very busy.  Bought wine, lotions, prunes and naan bread.  Stopped at Stables to buy envelopes.

I did take a walk around the block before taking a nap.  Nancy fixed a breaded chicken breast with a sweet potato and Lima beans for dinner.

Tuesday so we watched CBS all night.  The cold will continue for several more days.

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