Friday, March 30, 2018

Thursday March 29, 2018

Thursday March 29, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera.

Light rain when first went out this morning.  Temperature was 42 and no wind.

Nancy left early for her swim.  I had breakfast and left at 0830.  Just got started on my ride to the Y when it started raining harder.  I turned around and headed home to put on my rain pants.  The rain pants made bike riding tolerable.

Read the papers at Panera and then headed out on my daily long bike ride.    Today the ride was only 7 miles but had several tough hills.  After the ride, showered and had lunch.  

This afternoon I ran several errands.  First stop was Mr Thang’s tailor shop to pick up a pair of lined biked riding pants that I had shortened.  Next I returned to Groskopfs to look again at a backpack that I thought would be great for our upcoming Chile/Argentina trip.  I was worried that the pack might be too large to sit under an airplane seat.  Surprise! Groskopfs had a mock-up of airline seats.  The pack easily fit.  I bought it.  

While at Groskopfs I met Barb Richter an engineer at LSE, the firm that purchased Scott Civil Engineering.  Barb was searching for some travel items for her family’s upcoming trip to Jackson Hole, Wy.  Barb as usual was upbeat and sunny.  We spent some time catching up.  Things are going great at LSE.  I’m sure the success is because of great engineers like Barb.

At home Nancy and I grabbed Ms P and took a short walk to the corner.  Dropped Nancy and Ms P at home and continued walking.  I have been trying to walk between 1.5 and 2 miles each day.  I still walk with a limp but it seems to be getting better.

I have been keeping up on current events but have read nothing I want to comment on.  Too much negativity.

For dinner we had coleslaw chicken salad left over from Tuesday.  This salad is better the second time.  It hit the spot.  Watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning.  Our cold returns tonight with temps expected to be below freezing.

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