Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Tuesday March 6, 2018

Tuesday March 6, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

The weatherman was right we had a thin dusting of snow overnight.  It was still snowing when I first went out.  The temperature was 30 but will end the day at 40.

Nancy went swimming at MVP.  I had breakfast and then bundled up and headed out.  Today I even wore rain pants over my lined bike riding pants.  It was still cold with snow so I took the short route to the Y.  Spent longer than I scheduled because I ended up talking to a fellow Navy Vet.

Hobby for the very rich.  Billionaire Microsoft founder Paul Allen has financed an expedition to find WW II aircraft carrier USS Lexington.  They found it a mile down in the Coral Sea.  The Lexington was sunk during the Battle of the Coral Sea, 76 years ago.  Very interesting.

Is POTUS going to get in a fight with congress over the tariff on steel and aluminum?  The GOP historically has been a free trade party.  I am a big free trader.

Lately I have been spending more time in the morning reading.  I did not get home until 1330.  The snow had melted and temp was 40.

Lunch and then took Ms P on a walk.  I saw my first Robin on the walk.

Family tree work and taxes have been dominating my afternoon office time.  I discovered that I nap best in my recliner.  The naps are short and deep.  Today was no exception.

Tonight for dinner Nancy cleared the reefer.  Mashed potatoes with spinach, baked beans and a big brat.  Sound good?

We read the GRP, watched the news and then NCIS and Bull on CBS. I think NCIS is getting a little long in the tooth.

Went out a 2200 and saw we had a thin dusting of snow on the ground.  More snow predicted for tonight and early tomorrow.

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