Monday, March 26, 2018

Sunday March 25, 2018

Weekend Update;

Blog started Saturday March 24 sitting in den at home.

Cold and sunny when we headed out this morning for our walk to Panera.  I had my normal Saturday oatmeal breakfast and Nancy had a coffee.  Nancy is on a diet where she only eats from 1500 to 2100.  It is working.

Panera was quiet.  The walk home was not pleasant because we walked into a brisk 19mph east wind.  Nancy started the laundry and I finished yesterday’s blog and started the weekend Update.

The Gardens called yesterday and asked Nancy if she could work Saturday.  They expect a big crowd to see the butterflies.  I will drive her at 1230 and pick her up later.

I will suspend this blog and take a short bike ride.  

Today I took an eight mile ride.  Because of the fierce east wind I took a north-south route.

Lunch and then at 1230 I drove Nancy to the Gardens.  Good thing I drove because all the parking lots looked full.  

At home I took a short nap.  Performed some household chores before picking up Nancy.  Nancy said they were extremely busy.  Over 5,000 folks visited.

Nancy fixed tamales for dinner.  We FaceTimed with Debbie this evening.  Watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning in.

Sunday March 25, 2018

Blog being written Sunday at 1915 sitting in den.

Alarm goes off at 0615. Still dark when went out. Sunrise today is at 0734.  It was cold 25 and windy when we headed out to the Y.  The Y has a spinning class first thing Sunday.  They usually have a big line outside the door waiting to get in.  I think they have turn some folks away.
Nancy went swimming and I did some calisthenics.  At home we changed clothes and headed to Palm Sunday service at Trinity Lutheran.  They had to add more chairs because of the overflow crowd.  Another good Homily by Pastor Bob.

Bought gas at Meijer’s. Gas was $2.77 today.  We did not need many groceries today.  Smallest Sunday purchase in quite awhile.

I took a walk around the block before lunch.  Lunch and then read the GRP before taking my nap.  After the nap I got out my San Jose bike and took a six mile ride around the neighborhood.  Sunday’s are a great day to ride around the neighborhood.  No traffic and the nice smooth easy riding parking areas.  

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  We watched the last minutes of the Duke/UK BB game.  We are now watching 60 Minutes and the interview with Stormy Daniels.  Not 60 Minutes finest hour.  We have courts that can settle these issues.  The nastiness continues.  I wished some the folks had heard some of Pastor Bob’s Homilies.

After 60 Minutes we will watch the second episode of Instinct.  After last week’s initial episode we decided to give it another chance.  We were both in bed before 2200.

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