Monday, March 19, 2018

Sunday March 18, 2018

Weekend update;

Blog started on Saturday at 1745 sitting in den

Saturday, St Patrick’s Day.  Temp was in mid 20s when Nancy and I walked to Panera but with no wind and plenty of sunshine it was a pleasant walk.  We had our standard fare.  Spring sports are starting because we noted several fathers bringing their kids in for a snack after soccer or ball practice.

The news this morning was dominated by UMBC beating Virginia last night.  I guess this is better news than anything about Stormy Daniels.

As soon as we got home headed to Walmart.  I returned bottles and Nancy bought several packs of sugar free cookies.  Next we stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods so Nancy could look for a swim cap.  She found one.

Nancy started the laundry and I went on an eleven mile bike ride.  Chose an easy route because I was not in the mood for any strenuous hill climbs.  I did ride through the Cascade Twp Cemetery.  It is a neat rural facility.  I might stop by the Township office next week to see if any plots available.

We took Ms P for a short walk about 1600.  At 1800 we picked up our next door condo neighbor and drove to Shepard’s Grill. I had forgotten that today is St Patrick’s.  Shepard’s had an hour wait.  We ended up at JT’s Pizza.

At home we watched an episode of Murder in Suburbia.  Spent some time FaceTiming with Debbie.  I guess it is rainy and cool in northern CA.  This is Good because they need the rain.

Each year on St Pat’s day I tell of the party I attended on SPD in 1956.  Classmate and class president, Jerry Kendzorski, invited some guys over for a party.  His mother purchased green beer and green bread.  We had bologna sandwiches.  First time a parent had ever purchased beer.  It was a great evening and we were all well behaved.  Emailed another attendee at the party to see if he recalled all the guys in attendance.    

Sunday March 18, 2018;  

Alarm goes off at 0615 and I get up and prepare for the Y.  We leave at 0745.  The Y was not very crowded.

At home changed clothes and headed to Trinity Lutheran for the 1000 service.  Great Homily on forgiving and forgetting.

Quick stop at Meijer’s for supplies and gas.  Small purchase because Nancy shopped earlier this week at Trader Joe’s and Fresh Thyme.

Before lunch I took the Taurus for a fillup and then took a mile walk.  After lunch took a short nap.

We got all our needed tax data yesterday.  I assembled the forms and will take to the accountant tomorrow.  We took Ms P on a walk before dinner.

We watched some NCAA BB this weekend.  I was sorry to see MSU lose.  Only two Big Ten teams left.  Bummer!

I did not watch last night’s UM game but several guys at the Y told me I missed a thriller.  I really am not into BB.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for dinner.  I had mine on a waffle.

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  She mentioned that she was rear ended on the 405.  Her Kia was totaled.  Now she has the problems associated with dealing with insurance companies and finding a replacement.  Aside from the car accident every thing seems to be going well.

We watched 60 Minutes and a new show on CBS that followed.  The jury is out on this show.  The only news I read this weekend was today’s GRP, which is to say I did not read any news.

In my biological clock Spring started on St Pat’s Day.  Goodbye and good riddance Winter.

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