Thursday, March 22, 2018

Wednesday March 21, 2018

Monday March 21, 2018

Blog time 0930 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  It was cold 25 when first went out.  Nancy headed out early for a class at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

On my easy Wednesday no breakfast at home.  Also no Y.  I am having a leisurely breakfast at Panera.  I did do my PT stretches at home before heading out.

I am getting tired of the cold weather.  I was bundled and only took a 2 mile route to Panera but still got cold.  I really should not complain.  I could be living in New England.  The Northeasters keep coming.  I will check later to see how much snow Boston has had this year.  

I finished yesterday’s blog last night but proofed it this morning.  I had a lot of mistakes, spelling and words out of context.  Is this typical or just an old guy thing?

I watch CNBC a lot.  I use to like the business news but lately I have become disappointed.  All the pundits come across as nitpickers who think their opinion is correct.  I would not want to have a beer with any of them.  I really should change my morning and noon viewing or maybe, better yet, turn off the TV.  Is my life impacted that much by whether the Feds raise the interest rates?

Russian meddling in the 2016 election will we ever know the facts? President Obama’s administration was suppose to be aware but did nothing, probably because they thought Clinton would win.  Speaking of Clinton her comments in India reaffirmed my opinion that she would have been a poor president.  She is an elitist of the “let them eat cake” variety.

I think more interesting than the USA election is possible Russian interference in the BRexit vote.  The UK’s exit from the EU is in Russian interest.  

Why can’t we invent a full proof method of extracting the truth from individuals.  Speaking of methods of determining truth I just got my DNA results from Ancestry.  I am sure the results will be the same as 23&me and My Heritage.  Senator Warren should take a DNA test so she can get PONTIS to stop belittling her Indian heritage.

After lunch I loaded my winter bike into the Escape and headed to Ada Bike.  Removing the snow tires and putting on a new set of summer tires.

Two loads of laundry, taking out trash and a mile walk occupied my afternoon.  I did sneak in a nap.

Light dinner and then at 2000 we watched an episode of Inspector Lewis.  The cold continues through the weekend.  The upside is the days will be sunny.

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