Saturday, March 17, 2018

Friday March 16, 2018

Friday March 16, 2018

Blog time 1000 at Panera

The cold continues, it was 21 when first went out.  Nancy headed out to a class at MVP.  I stayed home and did all my calisthenics and stretches at home.  Tight schedule this morning because today is Book Club for Nancy.  Tom Moleski and I are meeting for lunch at Vitales at noon.

After breakfast I bundled up and pedaled to Panera.  I took the direct route.  No Y today.  Despite the cold it is a beautiful day with bright blue skies.  With the snow gone I am seeing more Robins scratching in the grass looking for food.

The pedestrian bridge collapse was horrendous.  It is every bridge engineer’s nightmare.  A bridge is subject to it highest loads during construction.  The structure is not stable until all the elements are in place and secured.  

I got to Vitale’s 15 minutes early but Tom was already there.  Since tomorrow is Saint Patrick’s Day I had a Guinness with my burger, great burger.  The beer wasn’t bad either.  Since it was a Friday in Lent Tom had a vegetarian pizza.  He said it was good.  Vitale’s has a large lunch crowd.  I think a lot of guy’s took the afternoon off so they could watch BB.

As soon as Nancy got home we ran errands.  First stop was Dunham’s Sporting Goods.  Nancy wanted a swim cap.  No luck.  Next stop was Gordon’s Foods to buy Coke that was on sale.  Finally, we stopped at the Cascade Library to drop off a book.

For dinner Nancy prepared chicken noodle soup.  I had mine with a slice of Irish soda bread.  Very tasty.

I made a quick walk to the corner and back before settling down to some TV.  Watched some of the MSU BB game before switching to Netflix.  Watched an episode of The Killing and then Last Tango in Halifax before turning in.

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