Thursday, March 8, 2018

Wednesday March 7, 2018

Wednesday March 7, 2018

Blog time 0940 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  We had about 1” of new snow when I first went out at 0700.  I had to shovel the walk.

I did my PT stretches and some light calisthenics before heading out.  Bundled up and walked to Panera.  Had an oatmeal breakfast.

Another endorsement for Apple’s iPad Pro.  Most news outlets I read online have a photos of the Day section.  The clarity and colors on the iPad Pro are great.  Better than the so-called coffee table picture books you buy at Barnes and Noble but much lighter and more portable.  Yesterday I commented on the time I spend reading the news.  Actually, I consume most of the time looking at photos.  A picture is worth a thousand words.

Recent study says that Tylenol and ibuprofen work as well as opioids.  I hope this study reaches Doctors.

I think the USN Aircraft Carrier visiting Danang, Vietnam has caught China’s attention.  China is on shaky grounds for its claims in the South China Sea.

Speaking of Danang, in 1963 my Navy unit was starting to do an engineering studies of Danang Harbor.  We looked for existing data on the harbor, water depths etc.  The only data we found was a study done in the 1880s by a French Jesuit Priest.  The report was beautifully hand written.  It was complete, detailed and accurate.  We used it.

Blog resumes at 1745 at home

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.  After lunch I did two loads of laundry and took out the trash and recyclables. Short nap and then paid bills and walked to P.O. Box.  It was a cold walk.  The wind had increased to 16mph and the temp was 28, brr.  More snow predicted for tonight.

Light dinner and then we will watch news and Jeopardy before switching to Apple TV.  We watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning in.

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