Friday, March 16, 2018

Thursday March 15, 2018

On this date in 1954 my  High School Latin teacher, Ms Lee, asked;”Bobby Scott do you know what today is”?  I replied Monday.  Yes she said but March 15 on the old Roman calendar was called the Ides of March.  It was a day of religious observation and also the day Romans settled their debts.  More important it was on this day in 44 BC that Julius Caesar was assassinated.  Remember Et tu Brute?  Do they teach high school Latin anymore?

The temp was 30 when I left this morning for the Y.  Nancy had already left for her Thursday swim.  The snow is gone so I took my summer bike.  Took the 7.5 mile route.  At the Y talked to a former SF police officer.  He worked 14 years for the SFCPD.  He and his wife were raised in Ada.  They moved back to GR several months ago.  He raves about the great quality of life in GR compared to SF.  One does not hear that very often.

This and that in the news:

School systems in Mi are making school security a top priority.

The astronaut Scott Kelly spent a year in space.  Recent tests have shown changes in his genes.  He and his identical twin Mark are no longer identical.  Interesting?

New England has experienced a winter from hell.  The same can be said for the UK as the Beast from the East returns.

Fresh Tyme a “Whole Foods” like Store each year around St Patrick’s Day sell Irish soda bread.  Nancy bought several loaves.  It is great, they should sell it year round.

At home, quick lunch and then make a quick run to Meijer’s.  Bought yogurt and bananas.  As soon as I got home took my daily mile walk.  Walking and riding the bike in temps below freezing lowers by core temperature.  I solved this problem by turning on my electric blanket and taking a short nap.  It takes about 30 minutes to warm up.

For dinner we drove to Panera for a bowl of chicken rice soup.  Panera at 1800 is nearly empty.

We read the GRP and watched the news before switching to Apple TV.  Watched an episode of Murder in Suburbia and then Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and watched a show on Netflix called Babylon Berlin.  It takes place in Berlin in 1929.  The dialogue is in German with English subtitles.  It is a crime story.  I liked it.


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