Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Monday March 26, 2018

Monday March 26, 2018

Blog time 1015 at Panera

The cold, sun and wind continues.  Nancy headed out at 0730 for a class at MVP.  Because of the cold I decided to delay my long bike ride until later this morning.  Good decision because I took a short route to the Y and I got real cold despite the layers.

I did my calisthenics and stretches at the Y.  After the exercises I changed back into my riding clothes.  I had an oatmeal breakfast at Panera.

In my pre high school youth at this time of year we had no organized activities.  Basketball and Hockey season were over and the frost was just leaving the ground leaving nothing but mud.  We had two major activities.  Outdoor basketball and marbles.

Marble season was between St Patrick’s and April fools day.  We would dig a small hole in the ground opposite the school wall.  Players would each put one marble in the hole.  The object was to bounce a marble off the school wall.  If the marble went in the pot you got all the marbles in the pot.  If you missed you put your marble in the pot.  Great recess and lunch time fun for the guys.  Girls did not play marbles.  

The other big afternoon activity was outdoor BB.  Jimmy Masters had a big paved drive with a hoop.  We would play for hours after school.  You did not wear gloves so your hands would become chapped and cracked.  Great fun.

Remember that in the 40s and 50s we had no TV.  After playing outside after school we looked forward to a quiet evening at home reading comic books and listening to the radio.  

I just got my DNA results from Ancestry.  It was generally what I expected.  48% English, 28% Scotch/Irish and Welsh and some Scandinavian.  The results match my 23&me and My Heritage results.  Immediately after I downloaded my results I got a hit.  My cousin Bill Hughes’s daughter, Mary, came up as a second cousin.

This and that:

The financial gurus should make up their minds.  The stock market has gone up 300+ this morning.

Teenagers marched in Alpena against guns.  A counter March supporting  the 2nd amendment also had a march.

Most folks say electric cars are the future.  However, battery components such as cobalt have had recent price spikes.  The major supplier of Cobalt is the Congo. I am betting on hydrogen fuel cells as the preferred alternative to gasoline.  I even bought stock in a fuel cell company.  This morning’s UK paper said that the Government is funding more fuel cell refueling stations.  Stay tuned!

The Chinese government says that Soccer players must cover ups their tattoos.  Several photos showing players placing bandages over their tats.  Can you imagine the USA telling professional athletes they must cover their tattoos.  Never happen!  

This is Easter week.  As a boy we would get Good Friday and Easter Monday off.  This was the only break between New Years and Memorial Day.

After Panera I headed out on a ten mile bike ride.  I biked along Buttrick.  I usually see deer and several times a coyote.  No luck today.

At home I took a shower and then had lunch.  This afternoon we drove to Trader Joe’s.  Bought some Chilean wine, baguette, tamales and fresh flowers.  As always Trader Joe’s was crowded.  We like TJ because they have trained their staff to be very courteous and pleasant.

Took a short nap and then we took Ms P on our nature walk. We had a light dinner followed by the news and Jeopardy.  We watched an episode of The Killing and also Murder in Suburbia before turning in.

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