Saturday, March 10, 2018

Friday March 9, 2018

Friday March 9, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Boy did I sleep in today.  It was daylight when I first went out.  The cold continues.  Temp in high 20s most of the morning.

Bundled up and took the five mile bike route to the Y.  The Y was jammed this morning.  Had trouble getting a space to put my exercise mat.  I think the Y I attend has 17,000 members.  Most were in attendance today.

News items I scanned;

Will POTUS and N Korea’s Kim Jong Un really meet?  Is this another smoke screen by N Korea?

BRexit still dominates the UK news.  Will it ever happen?

POTUS’s actions on steel and aluminum tariffs is really creating divisions within the GOP.  

WSJ reports that 4.46% interest rates are disrupting the housing market.  Good grief Nancy and I paid 7% on a land contract when we bought our first home.  We were glad to get it.

Did not get home until after 1300.  Kim was just finishing up.  The house looks great.

Lunch and then we all got in Escape to run errands.  First stop was Sam’s Club.  Bought tub of Pinconning cheese.  Nancy was looking for a pressure cooking appliance but did not find.  Next and final stop D&W to purchase grapes.

Spent some time on my computer downloading apps.  I did take a short nap in the recliner.

For dinner Nancy fixed a pork dish in the crock pot.  I also had a baked potato.  Very good!

Tonight we watched a new show on Netflix.  We liked it so much we watched a second episode.  The cold continues tomorrow.

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