Saturday, March 24, 2018

Friday March 23, 2018

Friday March 23, 2018

Blog time 0930 at Panera

The cold continues.  It was 23 when first went out but with sun the temp will soon get to 45.

Nancy headed to MVP.  MVP has changed their schedule so Nancy is having trouble finding a class that fits her schedule.  Later this morning she is taking Ms P to the groomer.  She is also having lunch with Mary Namey at Horrick’s which is next door to the groomer.

Since I have eliminated running from my workout I have been making adjustments.  Today I did my normal routine at home and then decided to do my other morning activities in reverse order.  

First stop is Panera.  After I read the papers I will head to the Y.  My Y routine is quite mild.  In fact I don’t even work up a sweat.  After the Y workout I will take a long bike ride followed by a shower at home.  Why is this even relevant?  Who cares what an old man does?

The stock market tanks yesterday because of fears of a trade war.  Congress passes a budget and POTUS threatens a veto.  He shakes up his national security team by firing Gen McMasters.  In McMasters place he hires John Bolton a far right hawk.  Bolton is scary.

This has been an unusually cold March.  It must be tough on kids participating in spring sports.

I did not get to the Y until nearly 1100.  A completely different group of people at this time of day.  Lots of working folks taking an early lunch.  I did my calisthenics and stretches then changed back into the bike riding clothes and took a 10 mile ride.  

At home I showered and had lunch.  I spent some time in the office before taking a short walk.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Nancy said she enjoyed lunch with Mary Namey.  After lunch she picked up Ms P from the groomer.  Ms P received a very short cut.  Might have to put a jacket on her for walks on cold days.
For dinner we went to a Chinese restaurant, First Wok.  It is located about a mile from the condo.  This was our first visit and we enjoyed our meal.  We gave it a B.

Finished the evening watching an episode of Brokenwood Mysteries.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Babylon Berlin on Netflix.  The show takes place in Berlin after WWI.  The dialogue is German with English subtitles.  I think I said all this in a previous blog.  Is repetition good?

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