Monday, March 5, 2018

Sunday March 4, 2018

Weekend Update

Blog being written on Sunday March 4, 2018 at 1600 sitting in office

Great weather this weekend.  Bright full moon with morning temps in high 20s and warming up to 40s.  Sunshine both days.

Saturday March 3;  we followed our regular schedule, walk to Panera for oatmeal breakfast with coffee and then a pleasant walk home.

Today as soon as we got home we got in Escape and headed downtown.  We attended the Home and Garden show at DeVos Place.  We parked at the City Center with no problem.  Purchased tickets and had to wait a few minutes before the show opened at 1000.

We spent several hours looking around.  Nancy was looking at wood flooring for our living room.  I always look around to see how I would furnish a cottage in case I win the Lotto.  We did not purchase anything but just walking around heightened our spring fever.  

When we left noted a huge traffic jam and the ramp was almost full.  We timed it right.

At home I got out the bike and went on a 10 mile ride.  Longest ride of 2018.  Perfect day for a ride.  Nancy was watching the Big 10 BB tournament when I got home.  How about UM beating MSU two times this year.  

Lunch and then a short walk around the block.  Showered and then took a nap.

This evening Nancy and I took Kathi Kothe and her daughter, Kate, to the Grattan Irish Pub for dinner.  The bar was crowded and noisy but the food was good.  I had a Guinness with my meal.  I had forgotten how good Guinness is.  

At home we FaceTimed Debbie and got caught up.  We did watch an episode of Above Suspicion on Acorn before turning in.

Sunday March 4, 2018;
Today is my mother’s birthday.  She was born in Alpena in 1907.  Great memories of Mother.  I always call my sister on Mom’s birthday.  She was waiting for my call.  I am predictable.

We were at the Y when they opened at 0800.  Nancy swam I did some calisthenics and a 2K row.

At home changed clothes and headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 1000 Celebration service.  Today is the 3rd Sunday in Lent.  The church was crowded.  They ran out of coffee and had to set up more chairs.

We finished the morning at Meijer’s.  We purchased our next weeks groceries.

I took Ms P on a nice long walk.  Great day for walking the dog.  

Nancy is doing laundry today.  I had a quick lunch and then a nap.

It is now 1640 and I will take a break from writing this blog and start writing my monthly short note to the grand kids.  I will walk to the post box to mail the notes.

Nancy’s world famous scrambled eggs with ham for dinner.  After dinner we will finish reading the GRP and watch the UM/PU game and then 60 Minutes.  I don’t think we will watch the Academy Awards.  We haven’t seen any of the movies or know any of the actors.  

Actually Granddaughter Akerke and I saw Coco which won an Award.  It was not one of my favorite cartoon like movies.  Kind of scary, but what do I know!

Blast from past;  March 2, 1961 I wrote my mom a note wishing her a Happy Birthday.  I had sent a present earlier.

President JFK wanted to stimulate the economy so he authorized Federal agencies to work overtime to get construction project underway.  I was getting a lot of overtime.  I was settling into a routine in Detroit.  I walked to work and it took me 35 minutes to walk from East Grand Blvd/Jefferson to downtown.  I even opened up a bank account with Public Bank.  Next big purchase for my apartment, a chin up bar.  Laundry is a big problem.  The laundry is not open when I walk by in the morning and closed when I walk by in the evening.  I was bragging that I would be debt free by the end of April and then maybe think of purchasing a car.  My big unknown was the military.  I applied to Navy OCS but had not yet heard.  If the Navy doesn’t need me I will be drafted into the Army in August.

We finished the evening watching episodes of The Heart Guy and Call the MidWifes.  Monday will be the last of our nice sunny days for awhile.

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