Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Tuesday March 13, 2018

Tuesday March 13, 2018

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Brr, it was 28 and snowing when first went out.  Will it never end.  Nancy out early for her Tuesday swim.  I did the PT stretches and breakfast before heading out.  I bundled up and took the five mile route to the Y.  I weighed myself fully clothed and found I was wearing 15 pounds including backpack.  

Normal routine at the Y.  The wind had increased so the short ride to Panera was unpleasant.

Some useless observations at Panera:

Most folks put something in their coffee.  Honey is very popular.

A lot of job interviews and business is done at Panera.

North Face is a popular outerwear.

Many women on these cold days wear light shoes with no socks.

Nearly everyone has a laptop or iPad.  Apple is the preferred brand.

I like Panera’s free refill and no tipping policy.

Rex Tillerson has resigned as Sec of State.  Mike Pompeo of the CIA moves to State.  Pompeo is a USMA grad, #1 in class.  Gina Haspel becomes the first women to head CIA.  She is veteran of the agency.  Does anyone care?

This year we elect a governor and a senator.  So far several folks in each party have put their hat in the ring.  I have no favorite.  Expect that the ads for this election season will be nasty.

After lunch I took a mile walk.  I am getting tired of the high winds, cold and snow.  Walking is not pleasant.

Spent some time in the office.  I printed out several documents for my files.  I also printed out the invocation that I will give at tomorrow’s Breakfast Club.

I took a short nap in the recliner before dinner.  Nancy fixed me spaghetti for dinner.  Also had a salad and fresh cut melon.  Healthy is good.  Nancy had a frozen dinner.

We watched NCIS and Bull before turning in.  More cold predicted for tomorrow.

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