Monday, April 2, 2018

Sunday April 1, 2018

Weekend Update is being written while sitting in office, 1140 Sunday April 1;

Saturday March 31, 2018;  it was cold, 30, with rain predicted later this morning.  Nancy and I walked to Panera for our Saturday morning breakfast.  Panera was empty probably because of spring break.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I put on my bike riding clothes. I was about seven miles into a nine mile ride when it started to rain.  I was soaked when I got home.  Took a long hot shower before having lunch.

This afternoon I took a nap and did some office work.  Nancy fixed chili for dinner.  It was good.

This evening we started watching the UM BB game but just before halftime UM was far behind so we switched Amazon TV and watched an episode on Bosch.  We did switch back to the B.B. game and watched the last five minutes of the game.  Midway through the season the smart guys said UM would not make the tournament.  Once again I am always amazed at how dumb smart guys are.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We spent some time catching up. We both had finished our taxes and had to pay additional money to everyone’s favorite bureaucracy the IRS.  

Also received text messages from Steve and my sister about the UM game.  We watched another episode of Bosch before turning in.

Sunday April 1, 2018:  

Easter Sunday and also April Fools Day.  The last time this happened was 1956.  I was a senior in high school in 56.

An Easter story from the past.  In 1962 USN Ensign Scott was given the collateral duty of being in charge of the Chaplain’s fund.  Duties including buying a silver baby juice cup for every baby born on Midway Island.  I was also responsible for buying Easter eggs for the Chaplain’s Easter egg hunt.  I was late placing the order for the eggs and the Baptist Chaplin was all over my case because the eggs had not arrived several days before Easter.  The eggs finally arrived on Friday’s log flight from Hawaii.  This was not one of my favorite duties.  Buying juice cups and Easter eggs was not what I signed up for.

It was cold this morning, 29, but sunny when we headed out to the 0800 service at Trinity Lutheran.  The Y was closed today so we went to the early service.  Good crowd and Pastor Bob was really energized.  Uplifting!

We made at quick stop at Meijer’s for gas and groceries.  As soon as we got home we took Ms P on a walk.  This afternoon we are having Easter dinner, 1600, at Kathi Kothe’s.

It’s is now 1212 and I will take a break for lunch and a nap.  

After the nap I took a short walk.

We arrived at Kathi’s at 1600.  Kathi fixed a lamb dinner complete with mint jelly and potatoes and salad.  We spent several hours eating, drinking and talking.  Great time!

We got home a little after 2000.  Watched some TV before turning in.  We were both asleep by 2200.

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