Friday, April 13, 2018

Thursday April 12, 2018

Thursday April 12, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

It rained last night but when I went out at 0650 I could see the sun just coming up.  It was warm, 48, with temps predicted to reach mid 60s later.

Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim.  My big problem today is to decide how to dress.  This is our warmest morning in awhile.  I ditched my rubber boots, snowmobile mitts and long underwear.  It felt good.  We must have had quite a bit of rain last night because I encountered many big puddles on my hour ride to the Y.  Everything smelled and looked fresh.  A truly great Spring morning for a bike ride.  I savor these mornings.

Good grief enough with the Zuckerberg testimony.  Several channels are covering his testimony live.  All I see are a bunch of pols grandstanding.  I really don’t think they understand what they are talking about.

I was not surprised at Paul Ryan’s announcement that he will not seek re-election.  I think between having to deal with the fringe elements in congress, Dems and GOP, along with PONTUS he just burned out.  

My big worry is that if the Dems do take control of congress they will spend all their time trying to impeach President Trump.  Bitterness will prevail and nothing will get done.

After lunch I made a quick trip to Groskopfs to buy a grounded electrical outlet suitable for use in SA.  Speaking of our trip Nancy got a call yesterday from our tour guide inquiring if we had any questions about the trip.  She reminded us to bring rain gear and clothing that can be layered.  Cool mornings and warm afternoons are common.

I found time to take a nap and after dinner a walk.  Nancy fixed beans and rice for dinner.  Love beans and rice.

We watched an episode of Bosch.  Nancy headed to bed and then I watched Babylon Berlin.  I like this dark crime story set in Berlin in the 20s.  Germany was in complete turmoil and the commies and nazi are trying to fill this vacuum.

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