Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Tuesday April 3, 2018

Tuesday April 3, 2018

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Winter advisory is up for today and tomorrow. Snow is predicted.  It was 37 and misting when I first went out this morning.  Nancy headed out at 0730 for her Tuesday swim.

Early this morning my phone screeched with a message from ESPN telling me Michigan was creamed last night.  When I turned the TV off at 2200 UM was holding its own.  Apparently the second half was a disaster.  I still wore my UM hat this morning.  UM’s hockey team is in the final four and have an important game on Saturday.  I think college basketball and hockey should end their season by St Patrick’s Day.  Does anyone agree?

Had a quick breakfast and got on the bike and headed to the Y.  Because of the mist I took the 5 mile route to Y.  Spring break so the Y was not crowded.

The silly season has begun early this year.  We already are being bombarded with political ads.  Glad we got Netflix so we can bypass the noice.

Today is Ms P fourteenth birthday.  Actually Ms P is our grand dog.  Small dogs have a longer life span than big dogs.  The Vet said her people age is 84.  Good grief she is older than I am.

I am a world class eve dropper and the major topic of late has been the weather.  The big question is; will it ever warm up?

I am getting tired of the cold and if we were not going to South America in 2.5 weeks I would tell Nancy to pack a bag because we are going on a road trip down south.  A long road trip is on my bucket list.  I want to make one more drive to CA.

Trade, Immigration and the Stock Market dominated today’s news.  I am a free trader and think immigration is good for the country.  The Stock Market will rise and fall following the whims of the investors.

Rode home in the rain.  Lunch and then we all headed to Costco so Nancy could pick up a prescription.  We also picked up several food sample for Ms P, after all it is her birthday.  Stopped at Meijer’s to buy apples and eggs.

Rain most of the afternoon so no walk today.  I did take a nap.

Nancy fixed chili for dinner.  Tonight is our CBS TV evening.  The TV kept flashing winter weather advisories.  Snow on the ground is predicted for tomorrow.

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