Thursday, April 12, 2018

Wednesday April 11, 2018

Wednesday April 11, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday and I am up with the alarm at 0515.  It was snowing when I drove downtown to the University Club.

Another small turnout for BC.  Too bad because we had a great speaker.  

Kent County has recently established a new court to handle folks with mental and substance abuse problems who have been arrested for a felony crime.  The court is called Treatment and Support Court.  The new judge of this court is Joseph Rossi.  Judge Rossi gave a very good talk.

After BC I got the car washed at Breton Village.  Next stop was the Y where I did calisthenics and stretches.  Made a quick stop at Panera to do some reading.

This afternoon Meijer’s Garden is having a luncheon honoring Betty Ford on her 100th birthday.  Over 600 guests will attend the speaker is Hillary Clinton.  Nancy and other volunteers were told to have someone drive them because the parking lots will be full.  I am driving Nancy and another volunteer.

Quick lunch and then I drove Nancy to the Gardens.  We did stop and pick up another volunteer.  Traffic jam at the Gardens, could not get close to the entrance so Nancy and friend had to walk to their work station.

In the afternoon I did several loads of laundry, took out the trash and even had time for a nap.  Left for the Gardens at 1600.  Nancy’s shift ended at the normal time of 1630.  She said things were hectic.  In addition to folks attending the luncheon there were a lot of security folks.  Nancy did get to see Hillary Clinton and Andrea Mitchell.

Drove Nancy to Connie’s house for her Book Club.  After dropping her off I headed to Vitale’s to meet Tom Moleski for dinner.  I had spaghetti with a glass of wine.  The food is good at Vitale’s.  I give it a solid B.

Picked Nancy up at 1900 and we headed straight home.  This evening we watched an episode of Inspector Lewis on Amazon.  

Missy texted us about AJ’s visit this summer.  We talked with my sister, Helen, and she wants AJ to come to Alpine Fest in Gaylord.  Several young cousins will also attend.  Nancy will get hotel reservation soon.  We enjoyed Alpine Fest last year. 

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