Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Tuesday April 17, 2018

Tuesday April 17, 2018

Blog time 1000 at Panera 

Happy Birthday Alessandra!  Today is  Granddaughter Alessandra’s ninth birthday.  Enjoy this nice sunny, warm day in Long Beach, CA.

Today is also the birthday of Alessandra’s Great Grandfather Scott, my father.  Dad would be 112 today.

The snow continued overnight.  Temp was in low 20s this morning with about 1/2” of new snow.  I even shoveled this morning.  Temperatures will remain in the 30s all day.  I am tired of wearing long underwear.

Took my snow tires off the winter bike so no bike ride to Y today.  Normally I would walk to the Y but since my hip problems the 1.7 mile walk is too much.  Instead I did all the exercises at home.

I got out my winter jacket and walked to Panera.  I had an oatmeal breakfast.

President Trump and all the attorneys for and against him still dominates the news.  A pox on all attorneys.

Did the raid on Syria’s chemical warfare facilities do any good?  The USA and allies should have gone after Assad before Russia was involved.  President Obama’s failure to act was a big mistake.  

 Just listening to comments by business folks on the recent tax cut it appears the cuts are great for their companies.  I hope the individual tax cuts have the same effect.  Speaking of taxes today is tax day.  Of course the IRS’s computers are down on this important day.

As soon as I got home I got in the Escape and headed to Costco.  I needed prunes, bulk fiber powder and Cheerios.  Costco looked like they were having senior day, nothing but gray hair.

I called my sister today.  I always contact her on Dad’s birthday.  She said Gaylord was snowed in.  The had over a foot of snow on the ground.  Schools and businesses in the area were all closed.  They have been home bound for over four days.  We did talk about another big April snow around 1948.  The snow banks on the side of the roads were over six feet tall.  At my Grandparents’s farm my Uncle and Grandfather had shoveled a path to the barn.  The snow banks were over my head.  This was the worst snow I remember from my youth.  Would make a great “when I was your age” story.

This afternoon took my first shower since Friday and then a quick nap.  Spent the rest of the afternoon packing and then taking a 1.5 mile walk. 

Chicken pot pie for dinner.  Love chicken pot pie.  Our direct TV was acting up so we watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning in.

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