Thursday, April 5, 2018

Wednesday April 4, 2018

Wednesday April 4, 2018

Blog time 0940 at Panera

The weather folks were right we had snow on the ground this morning.  Temperature was 29 but with wind speed in the 20s the wind chill was in the teens.  I had to shovel our short drive.

Wednesday is my easy day.  No calisthenics this morning but I did my stretches.  The stretches must be working because my hip pain especially when I sleep is gone.

Nancy has a 0730 class at MVP so she left early.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.  They expect a huge spring break crowd so I will drive her.

I bundled up and walked to Panera.  It was snowing hard and I had to walk into the teeth of a brisk wind.  I had an oatmeal breakfast.

Read the papers but found nothing that I wanted to comment on.  Do you think Washington is on spring break?

The walk home was more pleasant with the wind at my back.  Before lunch I took the Taurus and filled it up.  It was still snowing when I took Nancy to the Gardens.  Despite the weather the Gardens expects a big crowd with mother’s wanting to get their spring break kids out of the house.

At home I finished lunch, took out the trash and recyclables and started a load of laundry.  I also took my Wednesday nap.

1530 headed to the Gardens to pick up Nancy.  Nancy worked until 1630 today.  She said, as expected, the Gardens was packed.  Over 2,000 folks visited.

Finished the afternoon with a walk around the block.  Light dinner and then the news, NBC and PBS, before watching Jeopardy.  I don’t know why I write about this routine every day?  Who really cares?  At 2000 we switched to Apple TV.  We started watching an episode of Dr Foster but decided early into the show that it terrible.  Switched to Bosch on Amazon.  The temp today never got above freezing but tomorrow it will warm up slightly.  I am tired of wearing long underwear.

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