Saturday, April 21, 2018

April 20, 2018

Thursday 19, GRF INT at 1530
Flight to Atlanta depart 1800 arrived at 2000

Leave for Chile at 2230.  Nine hour flight, very tough, I did not sleep

Friday April 20,

Grand Circle meets us at 0900 and take us to Crown Plaza in Santiago.

Long check in, no lunch finally get room at 1300.  Very quick shower and change of clothes and at 1400 we have orientation meeting in motel.  36 folks in group.

1500 get in bus and head to small organic winery.  Owner give a short talk on Chilean wine growing.  Took a short walk to see grapes almost ready for harvesting.  

Sampled several wines produced by this winery.  Good.  We were provide sopapillas bread with each sample.  Love this bread.

Dinner was a sweet corn and meat casserole.  Very good.

It is now 2200, Nancy is asleep and I am not far behind.

The temperature in Santiago was sunny and warm.  High temp in low 70s.

First impression of Santiago;  surrounded by mountains, very large city over 7 million folks, air pollution problems, reminds me of LA area because it is arid.  It is fall and leaves are turning.  Noted a lot of palm trees. 

All signs are in Spanish.  No English signs.  Most folks in tourist trade do not speak English.  

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