Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Monday April 16, 2018

Monday April 16, 2018

Blog time 0945 at Panera

Today is Patroit’s Day in MA.  It is always on the third Monday in April.  It commemorates the April 19, 1775 ride of Paul Revere.  Every 4th grade kid in Alpena had to memorize Longfellow’s poem about the midnight ride of Paul Revere.  The Boston Marathon is always held on Patroit’s Day.  I ran in the 1975 and 77 Boston marathon.

The temp was 32 when I first went out this morning.  We still had a layer of slush over roads and walks so no bike today.  

I did all my calisthenics and stretches at home today.  Bundled up and put on my rubber boots and walked to Panera.  I had an oatmeal breakfast.

Nancy left early today because she has a 0730 class at MVP.  No scheduled activities for today.

The Comey/Trump feud continues and it keeps getting nastier.  It reflects poorly on both.  

I complain about our snow in GR.  Talked to my sister, Helen, yesterday.  She lives in Gaylord, MI said they had over 15 inches of snow on the ground and it will continue snowing until Tuesday.  I should complain.

When I got home I decided to run some errands.  First stop was Costco, bought eyedrops and vitamins.  Next  stop was Meijer’s.  I filled the Escape, gas was $2.80, also bought apples and yogurt.

After lunch I headed downstairs and spent time reading and packing for our South America trip.  Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.  

Light dinner and then we started watching a new show on Netflix, Requiem.  We watched 10 minutes before stopping.  Not our thing.  We ended up watching Death in Paradise.

More snow predicted for tonight.  Will it never end.

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