Monday, April 23, 2018

Sunday April 22, 2018

Sunday April 22, 2018

Blog being written on Sunday April 22 sitting in Crowne Plaza in Santiago, Chile 

Saturday April 21, 2018

First night in Santiago, we are staying at Crowne Plaza.  We both slept great after a tiring overnight flight from USA and a busy first day in Chile.

The hotel has a nice breakfast buffet.  Eggs, yogurt, oatmeal and croissant was my selection. Good.

At 0900 we boarded the bus for a tour of the city.  We made several short walking tours around the city looking at various government building.  We did see the colorful changing of the guard at Government building.  The guards were all spit and polish.  The new replacement guards marched into the square accompanied by a military band and mounted horsemen.  I was very impressed.  They change the guard every two days.  Being Saturday a large crowd, mostly families, attended the ceremony.

This morning we also visited a museum dedicated to folks who opposed the dictatorship that ruled Chile during the 70s and 80s.  It was not a good time for free speech in Chile.  All the displays were in Spanish but we did get a feeling for the times.  

We had lunch at the main fish market.  The lunch consist of a big selection of local fish.  It was very good.  After lunch we walked around the fish market.  

We had a free afternoon so Nancy and I walked through a mall selling souvenirs and trinkets.  I even had time for a short nap.

At 1800 we attended a lecture on the turbulent times.  The lecturer focused on the election of Allende and his administration from 1970 to 73 when the military took power led by General Pinochet.  Very good lecture.

After the lecture we walked to a neighborhood loaded with restaurants.  Nancy and I select a restaurant that had a light menu.  We sat outside drank wine, ate and people watched.  It was a great evening, especially being able to sit outside.

Sunday April 22;  today is my 80th birthday.  This trip is Nancy’s birthday gift to me.  Great present!

It was another sunny day in Chile.  Temps in mid 50s this morning but should get to 70 later.

Today we are taking a trip to Valparaiso on the Pacific coast.  The trip took about two hours.  The countryside looks like Southern California.  I did note that the road we traveled on was high quality.  

Valparaiso is located on 40 large hills.  The coastal fog had not yet burned off when we arrived at 1100.  We took a cable car to the top of one hills and walked around a colorful residential area.

Took another cable car down and then we rode taxis to the top of another hill.  The fog had not lifted so we could not see the ocean.  We visited with an artist couple who are paid to paint graffiti on the side of homes.  Very colorful.

For lunch we split our group in half and had lunch at a local home.  We had roasted chicken with peas, carrots and rice.  After lunch we all gathered in one home for dessert.  Surprise!  A birthday cake complete with candles awaited me.  The group even sang Happy Birthday.  I slept on the bus ride back to Santiago.

For dinner this evening Nancy and I walked to another neighborhood that was loaded with restaurants.  For the second night we sat outside, drank wine and people watched.  Great experience.  Santiago is very pedestrian friendly with wide sidewalks.  

We were in bed by 2200. Last night I Santiago.  Tomorrow we take a plane south.  Stay tuned!

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