Monday, April 16, 2018

Sunday April 15, 2018

Weekend Update

Saturday April 14, 2018

Blog time 1650 sitting in downstairs office with space heater running full blast.  We got a memo from our friendly power company saying we use more power than our neighbors.  I told Nancy the reason is her chilly Willy hubby.  Our downstairs is cold so I always have the space heater on.  I also have my electric blanket running all night.  I love my electric blanket.

We have been under a winter storm warning since last night.  High winds and heavy snow/rain all night.   It was still sleeting and blowing this morning.  No walking to Panera this morning, we drove.  Most folks stayed home because the place was empty.

Stopped at home so Nancy could start the laundry.  I drove to Meijer’s for milk and eggs.  At 1000 we headed to Breton Village.  Nancy visited Talbot’s and I stopped at Fitzgerald’s and Orvis.  Nancy did not make a purchase but I bought socks at Orvis.  We stopped at Trader Joe’s to buy a baguette for dinner.

I made one more run this morning.  I drove to Barnes and Noble at Woodland Mall to get a map of Chile and Argentina.  Guess what they did not have any.  I did look through a tour book of the area and read up on Patagonia.  Very interesting.  I turned on my Apple Watch indoor walk function and walked a mile around the mall so it was not a wasted trip.

Lunch and then I headed downstairs where I remained all afternoon.  I did take one break when our condo mate called and asked if I could help her set NPR on her radio.  Sonya has trouble seeing small numbers.  I was glad to help.

Tonight we will finish the beans and rice.  I will also have some of the baguette we purchased at TJ’s.

Blog resumes on Sunday at 1530 sitting at Dining Room Table.

The beans and rice were as good Saturday as on Thursday.  We watched Death in Paradise and Bosch before turning in. 

Today because of the weather I did not get my thirty minutes outdoors.  Winter storm warning will be in effect until noon on Sunday.  It was still snowing and sleeting with howling wind when we turned in.

Sunday April 15, 2018;

Easy blog today.  We woke up to snow/sleet mix with high winds.  Temperature was below freezing.  The TV folks told us to stay home.  We took their advice.  Even Trinity Lutheran canceled services.

I am an optimist because I spent the morning putting away my winter clothes and getting out the warm weather gear.  I finished reading the GRP by noon.  

Quick lunch and then took a nap.  It stopped snowing about 1400.  I might even take a walk later today.

Nancy will be fixing her world famous scramble eggs for dinner tonight.

Stepped outside and noted the snow/sleet had stopped so I put on my boots and walked around the block.  About 4” of slush cover the roads and walks.  I stayed on the walks because of the heavy spray put up whenever a car passed.  Not pleasant but I did get my 30 minutes outside.

Yes Nancy did fix her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with spinach pie and fresh cut melon.

We watched 60 Minutes and then Murder in Suburbia and The Heart Guy.  It was an Acorn evening.  Winter storm warning still active.

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