Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Tuesday April 10, 2018

Tuesday April 10, 2018

Blog time 1030 at Panera

The sun was just coming up when first went out.  Sunny but cold early this morning.  I am getting very tired of having to wear heavy clothes and boots on these cold mornings, enough already it is April!  Despite the cold I took the 7.5 mile route to the Y.  Saw no interesting critters this morning.

This being Tuesday Nancy headed out early for her swim.  Later today we will take Ms P on a short walk.  Ms P is showing her age.  But aren’t we all!

I ponder are many folks wondering what POTUS will do regarding the Syrian gas attacks or even are conditions in the  Middle East high on their agenda?  I think not.  Am I correct?

Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony before Congress has been dominating the news.  All I see are a bunch of pols grandstanding.

After lunch I headed to Meijer’s to buy some supplies for our upcoming trip to SA.  After the errands I headed down to the office to update my family tree.  The most thorough family tree record I have is the leather book my dad gave me on the Sanborn family.  Apparently a lot of copies were made of this book because I get a lot of hits from folk who say we have a relative in common, usually from six generations back.  The data on this relative on their family tree is nearly identical to mine.  I am asked if I want to add their tree to mine.  I say no because if I did this for all requests my tree would be in the thousands and unmanageable.

I took two short walks today.  Nancy and Ms P stayed inside.

Nancy fixed pork with bread dressing for dinner.  I had mine with Lima beans and a salad.

After the news and Jeopardy we watched NCIS before heading to bed.

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