Saturday, April 14, 2018

Friday April 13, 2018

Friday April 13, 2018

Blog time 1140 at Panera

Boy I slept in today to 0700.  The sun was up when I went out.  Temperature was 39 with rain and snow starting this afternoon.

Most folks have problems with the # 13, especially Friday the 13th.  13 has been a good number for me.  In 1956 I won a Jeep in a raffle with the number 13.  The Jeep changed my life.  The night I graduated from high school I got in the Jeep and headed to Oregon.  The start of a big adventure for a naive boy of 18.  The Lord protects young folks doing stupid things.

All the news outlets are announcing a USN Armada heading to Syria.  I hope it is only for show.  

Rain and snow are on the menu for this weekend.  Bad news for all the high school spring sports athletes.

Showered and then had lunch before heading downstairs.  I spent several hours reading and checking emails.  I am being bombarded with emails from My Heritage informing me they have found another third to fifth Cousin.  

For dinner Nancy and I headed to Brann’s.  I had the lobster bisque and split a turkey sandwich with Nancy.  The restaurant was nearly empty.

I finished reading the papers before watching an episode of Murder in Suburbia.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Babylon Berlin.

Winter storm warning were issued for our area.  

Just before going to bed I got an alert on my iPhone that an attack on Syria was underway.  Talk about telegraphing your moves.  What happened to the old adage “loose lips sink ships”.  Did you think Syria had enough warning?

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