Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Tuesday August 1, 2017

Blog time 1055 at Panera

The great weather continues. Up at 0630, Nancy heads out for her Tuesday swim and I did some sit-ups and leg raises at home. No upper body exercises because of the stitches. No Y today.

Read today that drinking alcohol increases the risk of skin cancer by 11%. Should I give up my evening glass of wine? I don't think so.

Took a longer ride today, 14 miles. Bike riding rocks!

Every day in the London papers there is a snake story. Why are the British obsessed with snakes.

I am a great eavesdropper. Lately folks have been talking about how uncivil society has become and nothing is accomplished. Today two men were saying you have to compromise to get anything done. Amen! Were today’s pols asleep in kindergarten.

Walked out first thing this morning and saw a doe and her two fawns run across Tahoe. I had my cell with me but too slow to get a photo.

Another sure sign fall is coming. Passed several groups of high school cross country runners.

The papers keep telling us of the threats from North Korea, China, Iran and Russia. I think most folks are experiencing a data overload and ignore any warnings. We get on with our lives.

Quick lunch, took Ms P on her walk and then ran errands. Bought a bike chain at West Mi Fitness.

Spent several hours working on the family tree. The children of my dad’s cousin Col Robert Rayburn wanted some info on the Rayburn family in Alpena. I composed a long email.

Nancy fixed a lamb chop for dinner with a baked potato and string beans. Watched news and then took a walk around the block. Finished the evening watching a rerun of NCIS.

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