Monday, August 21, 2017

Sunday August 20, 2017

Blog time: Monday 1145 sitting at Panera

Sunday morning’s alarm goes off at 0630.  We head out at 0740 for the Y.  Nancy swims and I do my Sunday calisthenics routine and walk/run.

No church or Meijer’s today because we are going to a 1030 brunch at the Moleski’s.

Another nice warm summer’s day.  As soon as we arrive at the Moleski’s we are given a drink.  Nancy has champagne and I have a Bloody Mary.  My first Bloody Mary in years.

We sat outside to enjoy our brunch.  Tom and Linda fixed oatmeal pancakes, quiche, sausages and fruit.  I especially liked the oatmeal pancakes.  It was a great day to just sit outside and enjoy.  We left at 1330.

At home I took a short nap.  Tonight Nancy and I are working a concert at Meijer’s Garden.  We arrive at 1630 and there is already a big line waiting to get in.  Tonight the Jim Baldwin Trio is performing.  They are billed as an Australian folk group.  

Nancy and I were assigned to the rental chair detail.  Not a demanding job.  Our shift was over about 10 minutes after the main event started.  I bought a hot dog and beer.  We sat in the back row and listened to the first half of the concert.  My only comment, they were super loud.  We were home by 2000.

Finished reading the GRP and watched an episode of The Tudors before turning in.

I forgot to mention that we spent some time on Friday face timing with Missy.  She told us she was on a panel discussion on Saturday.  The Panel was part of a conference on the hearing impaired and technology.

On Saturday we FaceTimed with Debbie.  She had just returned from a business trip to London.  She gave us a brief update on her trip.

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