Monday, August 28, 2017

Sunday August 27, 2017

Blog time 1650 sitting at dining room table;

Today is a big day in the Scott household, Nancy Patton Scott is celebrating her 75th birthday.  On this date in 1965, our first as a married couple, I bought Nancy a rocking chair for her birthday. We were living in Redwood City, CA.  Wow that was 52 years ago.  Time flies when you have wedded bliss.  Happy Birthday Nancy.

The alarm went off at 0630.  We got ready for our Sunday trip to the Y.  Nancy swam I did calisthenics and ran.

We came home and got ready to attend the 1030 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Sign of the times, today they had a blessing of the backpacks for all the kindergarten students.

After church we headed downtown.  We are having brunch at One Trick Pony.  We both had an omelette.  No Meijer's today.

I did take a walk around the block before my Sunday nap.  Finished yesterday’s blog and we just started out on our nature walk with Ms P.  We cut the walk short because it was starting to rain.  

The kids have all called Nancy and wished her a Happy Birthday.  Nancy’s sister, Peg, also called from her new home in North Hampton, MA.

Light dinner tonight, finish reading the GRP and maybe some Netflix.  Nancy gets the remote so she can watch whatever she wants.

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