Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Monday August 28, 2017

Blog time 1000 at Panera.

We woke up at 0630 to light rain and darkness.  The sun does not come up until 0702.  Glad I bought new bike lights on Saturday.

Nancy headed out to MVP but I stayed home.  Did all my calisthenics at home today.  I put on my rain coat and pedaled straight to Panera.  

My weather app said that rain would stop at 1000.  My plan was, Panera first, followed by bike ride.  Just noticed the weather app has changed the forecast and the rain will not stop until 1300.  

Revised plan, head home take Nancy to Tanger’s Outlet Mall and then an afternoon bike ride.

The London papers reported on a toxic cloud passing over areas on England’s east coast.  The cloud appears to be caused by algal blooms in the English Channel.  MI and OH have massive algal blooms on Lake Erie.  The blooms are caused by runoff of nutrients from farm operations.  Same as what happened in England.

Interesting article on the findings of an Artificial Intelligence lab in Canada.  They have developed a procedure to identify Alzheimer’s from speech patterns.  Very interesting.

The French voters are as fickle as voters in the USA.  President Macron won in a landslide four months ago but now 57% of voters have turned against him.  

A big diet expert in Europe said that cheese and dried fruit are two foods you should avoid in order to lose weight.  Three years ago in September I started a diet called SOS (stop only sugar).  I quickly lost 20 pounds and have easily kept it off.  Cheese and dried plums are a mainstay of my diet.  Go figure!

Another observation;  fist bumps are a popular greeting among seniors.  It was explained to me that many seniors have arthritis in their hands and handshaking is painful.  So give Grandpa a fist bump and he will appreciate it.

Still raining when I left Panera.  With colder weather coming I am looking for several pair of corduroy pants. We drove to the Tangers Outlet Mall to see if stores like Brooks Brothers, Ralph Lauren's, J Crew or others might have corduroys.  No luck, I guess I will have to order from LL BEAN.

After a quick lunch I took a 10 mile bike ride.  Showered and then a short nap.

Noticed after the shower that the site of my recent skin cancer procedure was bleeding.  It looked infected.  Call Dermatologist and made an appointment.

Light dinner tonight, followed by a walk around the block.  Watch the first episode on Acorn of a series about a heart surgeon who was banned to a small Australian town.  Looks promising.

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