Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Monday August 14, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Cloudy this morning when I got up.  Sun expected later today.

With my new chin-up bar I do all my chin-ups/pull-up/perpendicular chins at home.  I have chastised the Y for having dozens of machines but no dedicated chin up bar.  They ignore me.  So I now have my own.

Busy day today.  My sister and brother in law are in town.  We are all meeting the Horlings at Cascade Roadhouse for dinner.  Helen, Nancy and Karen were classmates at Albion College.  After dinner we will return to the condo for dessert.

The London papers had several articles on the riots in Charlottesville.  However, they dedicated a lot of space to giving advice to freshman starting university.  Today must be the first day of classes in the U.K. 

Did you know on this date in 1040 Duncan became King of Scotland.  Apparently Shakespeare's MacBeth was based on King Duncan?  

The morning shows were all concerned about President Trump’s alleged mild response to the riots in Charlottesville.  Should his comments have condemned the white supremacists and KKK by name?

A fallout from POTUS’s action resulted in the resignation of the CEO of Merck from a Presidential commission. 

Blog resumes on Tuesday 1140 at Panera

After lunch I drove to Meijer's for some supplies.  Finished by outdoor activities with a walk around the block.

Helen and Don arrived at 1500.  We spent a pleasant two hours talking.

We met the Horling’s at Cascade Road House at 1800.  It was Monday evening so the place was not crowded or noisy.  Pleasant evening with the conversation centering on the girl’s days at Albion College.

Returned to the condo for dessert and coffee.  Nancy fixed a bowl of fruit and ice cream for our guests.  We continued our evening’s conversation.  The Horling departed at 2130.  A very pleasant evening with friends.

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