Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Tuesday August 29, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Woke up to heavy fog this morning.  Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  I left at my normal time 0810 with all my bike lights on.  The fog contained a lot of water so I stopped and put on a waterproof jacket that I carry in my bike bag.

I performed my calisthenics and a short run at the Y.  The fog was still heavy when I left the Y.

Hurricane Harvey still dominates the news.  Weather folks say this is a 500 year storm.  In Michigan we designed bridges to withstand a 100 year storm.  The cost of designing for a 500 year storm would be prohibitive.  

The amount of rainfall is unbelievable.  More rain has fallen over the weekend than usually falls in a year, 50”.  In Michigan we normally expect 35” of rain a year.  I did not know that the economy of Houston is greater than Sweden’s.  The economy of Texas is larger than Canada or Mexico.

The London papers had several health related articles:

Using mouthwash raises the risk of hearth attack.  I use mouthwash every day and will not stop.  

Chocolate could prevent diabetes?

NYC has raised the price of a pack of cigarettes to $13.  I remember buying a pack of cigarettes on Midway Island and it was $0.25.  The military almost condoned cigarette smoking.  All my Navy colleagues smoked.

The sun was breaking out when I left Panera.  Quick lunch and then I headed to the Dermatologist office.  The site of my recent surgery has become infected.  Dr Hawley cleaned the area and cauterized the infected area.  I must keep this area well greased and covered with a bandage for the next two week.

More skin news, the Doctor said that the biopsy on the spot on my upper right arm was cancerous.  I have surgery scheduled for mid September.  The surgery will be the same as was recently done on my right forearm.

Stopped a Meijer's on way home for gas, toothpaste and wine.

Nancy’s friend Kathi stopped by this afternoon.  Kathi sells purses to hospital gift shops and small boutiques.  Nancy helped her select some purses.  Nancy will go with Kathi to a sale in the Detroit area next month.  She will help set up.  It is a one day trip.

1600 we got in the Escape and headed to Meijer's Garden to work the Tuesday night concert.  Last Tuesday concert of the year.  Nancy worked in the Box Office and I put ID bracelets on folks who want to purchase beer of wine.  Tuesday is local talent night and is free to members.  Over 1,500 folks attended.  We stayed for about half the show.  Time enough to drink a glass of wine and eat a hot dog.  Another nice summer’s day.

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