Saturday, August 19, 2017

Friday August 18, 2017

Blog time 1200 at Panera

It was dark and gloomy when I got up at 0630.  My watch says no rain today so I will ride the bike.

Nancy left the house first as she headed to a class at MVP.  I soon followed.  I turned my bike lights on as I headed out.  Today I took my longer, hilly route to the Y.  I figure if I do the hill climbs I don't have to run.  Sound reasonable?

Noted a lot of high school girls at the Y.  I think they were doing some conditioning exercises for their fall sports.

Everyone should read an op-ed in the WSJ by Peggy Noonan.  She takes the President to task, a must read.

POTUS’s Chief of Staff Kelly has pushed out presidential adviser Steve Bannon.  Mr Bannon was against free trade and a liberal immigration policy and other issues that I support.  I just hope the President continues to listen to General Kelly’s advise.

Noted on my ride home a big estate sale at a condo in Gatehouse.  Gatehouse is also in Centennial Park.  I told Nancy but she had already visited the condo.  She did find a table she would like to see again.  So we hooked the leash on Ms P and walked to the condo.  Nancy looked again at the table but it was too expensive.  While Nancy stayed outside with Ms P I took a look around.  I was surprised at how small the condo was.  No finished basement or lower level walk out.  Too small for us.

Tonight we are having dinner at Brann’s.  I order a bowl of soup and Nancy a sandwich.  I also eat half of Nancy’s sandwich.

Brann’s was not very crowded.  The soup today was lobster bisque.  It was great.

I took a short walk after dinner.  We watched a episode of a show involving a British MI6 agent working in England soon after WWII.  It involved getting a German scientist to help the Brits develop a jet engine.  It takes place in a bombed out luxury hotel.

After Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Rake.  Love Rake, a great guy show.

Where have all the Robins gone?  I have not seen a Robin in our backyard in the past several days.  Surely they have not gone south already.

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