Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Monday August 21, 2017

Blog time: 1730 sitting on deck

Up at 0645 to start another week in paradise.  It was warm and humid when I stepped out first thing this morning.  Sun was just coming up.

Big day in the USA, the news media is all abuzz about the total eclipse of the sun.  It is a pleasant diversion from all the depressing political news.

Nancy headed to a class at MVP and I biked to the Y.  Once again I took my longer ride with hills.  Total distance to Y is 9 miles.  Almost 13 miles by the time I get home.

I had just started my morning read at Panera when I got a call from Somerdyke Plumbing.  Don Somerdyke said that he would be at our house in twenty minutes.  I packed up my ipad and left Panera in a hurry.

We have a small leak in the main water valve inside our house.  The valve is located in the lower level ceiling.  The fix will required cutting a larger hole in the ceiling.  We must also turn off the water to the house.  The way the plumbing is configured turning the water off will require also turning to water off to our adjacent neighbor.  I told Don he has to give us at least 24 hours notice so we can prepare Sonya our neighbor.

Just took a short break because four Sand Hill Cranes landed in the back yard.  Nancy and I watched the birds through our binoculars.  This morning on my bike ride I also encountered some Sand Hill Cranes.  I stopped the bike and took several pictures.  I alway thought Sand Hills were rare in this area.  

Speaking of birds I have talked to several folks and they agree that most Robins are gone.  They spend less than 6 months in MI.  Maybe we should change our State bird.

I did glance at the London papers. They must still be on their summer break.  They do have articles on President Trump and the French President’ wife.

The US Navy has a problem.  Two ship collisions in a month.  These are serious collisions.  I would think several Court Martials are in order.  I was alway told the skipper is alway responsible no matter who is on the bridge.  

After the Plumber I got on the bike and ran errands.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to make a deposit, moved on to the Cascade Twp office to pay summer property tax bill and let then know the street lights are out on Tahoe.  Final stop was Meijer's to pick up prescription and buy a tub of Schuler’s soft cheese.  Our condo is ideally suited for running errands on a bike.  Total distance to run the above errands was 5 miles.

Quick lunch and then took both cars to get gas.  Gas today was $2.35 per gallon.

Took a short nap before starting blog.  Light dinner and then watched an episode of Jack Taylor.  Rain predicted for tonight.

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