Thursday, August 17, 2017

Wednesday August 16, 2017

Blog time 1155 at Panera.

Breakfast Club Wednesday, up with the alarm at 0530.  On my way downtown I stopped for a quick coffee at Panera.  

Average turnout at BC.  This morning our speaker was a history professor from GVSU.  He talked on the history of Mongolia.  A great talk.

Headed straight home after BC, changed clothes and rode the bike to the Y.  Performed my lazy day routine.  

The morning papers are all condemning POTUS.  Where will the destroying of Confederate symbols lead?  George Washington, Tom Jefferson and many other Presidents were slave owners.  Are we going to remove their statues, make visiting their homes off limits?

BRexit and President Trump were lead stories in the London papers.  The Daily Mail also had a snake story.

I have a 1330 appointment with my ENT Doc.  I have been bothered by a sinus infection.

Quick lunch and then I head to the ENT office.  Dr Sprik checked me over.  The infection appears to have cleared.  Treatment of my troublesome left sinus is complicated by the fact that it was the also the site of my shingles breakout.  He recommended no action at this time.

At home I did a load of laundry and took a nap.  Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.  She said they had over 1700 visitors today.

Light dinner tonight.  After the dishes I took a walk around the block.

We watched an episode of the Tudors tonight.  Nancy is heading to bed and I am watching Rake.  Another great day to be outside.

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