Thursday, August 3, 2017

Wednesday August 2, 2017

Blog time 0930 at Panera

Up at 0530, today is Breakfast Club. It was dark when I left at 0615. My eye doctor prescribed for me glasses for driving at night. I used them in CA and today. I was originally suspicious of their effectiveness but am now convinced. They work great.

Small crowd at BC, 24; today's speaker was a retired dentist and hard core fisherman. He talked about fishing on the Grand River. He showed photos of large fish he has caught on the Grand. Very impressive! He uses a scientific method called spoonlunkers. I think the system has too much detail and makes a relaxing pastime into job.

After BC I drove to Panera to do some reading and start this blog.

BRexit still dominates the U.K. news. The follies of our President seems to have become boring to the Brits.

After a hour reading I headed home and put on my bike riding clothes. Rode to Ada and stopped at the Ada Bike store to get a quote on putting disc brakes on my Bianchi. Much too costly. Rode home, total distance 11 miles.

My channel 8 weather app said rain was heading our way. Quickly Took Ms P on our nature walk before the rain. Bum dope, no rain in sight.

Typical rope yarn Wednesday, took out trash, did load laundry and pressed four pair of khakis. I also found time for a nap.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She said they were busy. Lyle Lovett is performing at the Gardens this evening. Nancy and I saw him perform several years ago. He puts on a great show.

It is now 1740 and I am sitting on our deck in bright sunshine and the temp in mid 80s. Drinking a glass of wine.

We badly need rain. A cold front will move through tonight with rain starting at noon.

When I was 65 I decided that older men should never wear shorts. Their legs were too ugly. I kept this pledge until this year. I now live in shorts. Not only that I wear cargo shorts which the sissy men fashion gurus say should never be worn.

Light dinner and then a walk around the block. We watched another episode of Midsomer Murders before turning in.

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