Friday, August 18, 2017

Thursday August 17, 2017

Blog time Friday the 18th: 1145 at Panera

Thursday and today we have an 1100 meeting with Jim Marosi of Wells Fargo Advisors.  Jim Marosi has been our financial advisor for over ten years.

No bike today, I drove the Escape to the Y.  Did my full routine.

Quick stop at Panera for coffee and a chance to scan the papers.

POTUS continues his combative ways with the press.  Will he ever learn that you never win when you are in a pissing contest with a skunk.  

I think the President has some good folks working for him but how long will they put up with his uncontrolled rants.  Major problems if they leave.

We arrived at exactly 1100 for our meeting.  Jim Marosi gave us an update on our financial status.  He uses some impressive software to analyze our finances.  Bottom line we will not starve.

After our meeting we walked over to the Amway Grand Plaza and had a bowl of soup in their deli.  The soup was good.

At home took a walk around the block.  Spent some time clearing out my in basket.  With all our great weather I want to spend time outside and not inside.  I put off doing routine office work.

Nancy fixed meatloaf for dinner.  It was great.  After the dishes I took a short walk.  Read the GRP and watched a show on Acorn before turning in.

We did get a message and photo several days ago showing granddaughter Akerke attending her first day of 4th grade.  School start early in LA.

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