Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Tuesday August 22, 2017

Blog time 1200 at Panera

It rained most of the night.  It must be her age but Ms P is no longer bothered by the storms.  She usually just continues sleeping.

Today is Nancy’s swim day so she left early.  The weather man said it would rain most of the morning so I put on my rain coat and walked to the Y.  Of course I encountered no rain.

POTUS gave his Afghanistan speech last night.  I did not watch but as I understand it there will be a troop increase.  Good to see that POTUS is not micro managing the military.  However, I would like to see us just get out.  Is anyone listening?

Speaking of military, heads will roll over the Navy’s recent bout of destroyer collisions.  The group of retired Navy officers that I belong to has written some scathing comments.  

Several sure signs Fall is almost here,  High School football starts Friday, walnuts and acorns are falling from trees and of course the days are getting shorter.

Landscape maintenance is a huge business in West MI.  I see Lawn Maintenance Company’s trucks and trailers everywhere.  Rain or shine the grass is cut on schedule.  I think most lawn maintenance firms switch to snow removal in winter.  The business must be good because most companies have shiny new equipment.

The solar eclipse in the USA and Trump’s Afghanistan speech dominated the news.  I also found out that Brits like their restaurant food served on circular plates.

At home Nancy and I hooked up Ms P and took a short walk.  No nature walk today because of wet grass.

We spent some time moving clothes out of our cedar closet.  Our faulty water valve is located in the closet and we have to make room for the plumber.  He is coming tomorrow morning.

About noon the sun came out and temperature increased slightly.  We are having a spell of cool weather for the next week.  Cool weather in August means temps in mid 70s.

1600 and we get in the Escape and head to Meijer Gardens.  This evening we are working the Tuesday night concerts.  The concert is free to Garden members and features local MI talent.  

Nancy worked in the ticket booth and I took tickets.  Over 1400 folks were in attendance.  My shift was from 1630 to 1930 which is a lot of standing.  Nancy worked until 2000. Weather wise it was a great evening for an outdoor concert.

We brought chairs so after my shift I bought a hot dog and glass of wine and enjoyed the concert.  Nancy joined me and we watched the opening performer and part of the main group.

We got home about 2100.  I finished the GRP and watched some TV before turning in.

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