Friday, August 25, 2017

Thursday October 24, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Up at 0630 and it was dark outside.  Sunrise is at 0659.  It is Thursday so Nancy is going for an early swim.  She left at 0700.

Yesterday my weather app said a 50% chance of rain so I walked to Y.  It did not rain.  Today my weather app said only 30% chance so I got out the bike.  It started to rain half way into my 9 mile ride to Y.  Luckily I had a rain jacket in my bike bag.  Did not get too wet.

Things I did not know.  Read an article on a huge data center being built in northern Norway.  Data centers require huge amount of electric energy and a good source of cool water.  Northern Norway fits the bill.  Hydro electric power, low external temperatures and large amount of cool water.  The data center is a multi-billion undertaking.  Microsoft has a nearby center.  

England has standardized test in math, English language and English literature.  The recents tests have gotten a lot of news coverage.  Today the math test has gotten a lot of criticism because if you get 15% correct you pass.  Last year it was 30%.  Talk about grade inflation.  I am not a big fan of standardized tests.

I give the Daily Mail high marks for the photos it publishes.  Today they had great aerial shots of London.  The travel section also has great photos.

POTUS said we are going to build the wall between USA and Mexico.  He has threatened congress if they don’t budget monies. He said he will shut down the government.  Tough talk but not very smart.  The wall is a big waste of money.

Good grief even Karl Rove said Good Riddance to Steve Bannon.

It was still raining lightly when I left Panera.  Quick lunch and then we headed to Costco for supplies.  Thursday and Costco was jammed.  It was cool so for the first time in weeks I wore long pants.

Spent some time checking out my bikes.  Tomorrow I will ride my single speed for several days.

Spent two hour in my office paying bills and cleaning my desk.  Today I got my Rolex back from the WI repair shop.  Looks good and it is running fine.  The watch is over 50 years old.  Nancy gave it to me on our first Christmas together.

Tonight we are having dinner at Sundance.  We will have their scrambled eggs and ham.

Read the GRP and watched an episode of Vera on Acorn before turning in.

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