Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Monday August 7, 2017

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Slept in until 0700 this morning. It was raining when took Ms P out. The weather folks say it will rain all morning.

Nancy headed out to a Tia Chi class at MVP.

For first time in ages I put on my raincoat and walked to the Y. It was a steady rain so the bottom of my shorts and shoes got wet. I dried them off using the Y’s hair dryers. Distance from condo to Y is 1.75 miles.

The Y has several very popular water aerobics classes for seniors. This morning both classes looked to be at capacity.

I did my abs exercises and then a mile walk/run. I try to get the walk/run done in less than 15 minutes.

Checked the London papers and Alpena News and concluded that most folks are taking August off. The Daily Mail did have two snake stories.

POTUS is getting some heat for taking several weeks off.

Good grief will the medical profession quit trying to terrify us. First it was eggs yolks, then whole milk and all the cholesterol stuff. Most have been debunked. Now the food police say that drinking wine increases our risk of skin cancer. I drink about 9 oz of red wine a day. I have always been told wine in moderation is healthy.

The rain had stopped before leaving Panera. Nancy was running errands so I took Ms P on a short walk.

Lunch and then I got in the Escape and started running errands. First stop Gazelle Sports, no purchase.

Next stop was the Apple Store. At the same time that I purchased the iPad Pro I also bought Apple’s super duper pencil that works with the iPad Pro. I used it several times and then last week it stopped working.

Luckily I brought my iPad. The Apple tech tried the pencil on my iPad, no luck. He then tried using one of the store’s pencil, no luck again. Conclusion, the problem is not the pencil but my iPad. I thought it is a brand new iPad do I need expensive repairs? Finally he got it to work. The solution turn the bluetooth off and then back on. Do you know what is a Bluetooth?

Why in this high tech world is the solution to many problems simply to turn the system off and then back on?

It was raining again when I left the mall. At home I took a quick nap.

Light dinner and then a walk around the block. Maybe some Netflix before turning in.

Today is the first day of practice for most high school sports. Most schools have four boy’s sports and four girl’s sports. In my day football was the only fall sport at Alpena High. No sports for girls.

On this date in 1938, my Great Grandfather in Ossineke, Mi wrote:

It was a Sunday and hot, 80 all day. GGF picked vegetables in the morning, attended a County league baseball game, Ossineke 8- Spratt 3, in the afternoon . He also attended the Ossineke Methodist Church service and noted 15 folks attended.

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