Monday, August 14, 2017

Sunday August 13, 2017

Weekend Update: 1700 on Sunday sitting on deck.

Another great summer’s weekend.

Saturday morning we slept in until 0700.  Walked to Panera in bright sunshine.  I think Panera was crowded because folks with kids have moved back home from their cottage.  All fall sports are now practicing.

Nancy did laundry,  I took a 10 mile bike ride and we both took Ms P on her nature walk.  This walk is only 0.75 miles.

Ace Hardware was having a sale so we stopped by.  Our only purchase was a spray can of Rust-Oleum and a wire brush.  We have some bad rust spots on our iron railing that should be repaired.

Kathi Kothe stopped by at 1630 and we all got in the Escape and headed to AMORE restaurant on north Alpine Ave.  This week is restaurant week in GR and AMORE is one of the feature restaurants.  Neither Nancy or I have eaten at this restaurant.  We all had wine and a nice five course Italian meal.  

I just scanned the newspapers today.  I did hear about the trouble in Charlottesville, Virginia.  I really don’t know how in a democracy where free speech is king that we can stop folks whose views we deem deplorable from gathering.  I thought the President’s remarks were appropriate but apparently did not satisfy some folks.

Sunday August 13;  alarm off at 0630.  Looks like another nice day.

I had breakfast and then we head to the Y.  Nancy went swimming and I did some calisthenics and a mile walk/run.  Stopped at Panera for coffee on our way home.

We attended the 1030 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Stopped at Meijer's for weekly supplies.  Lately I have been able to fill up the Escape for less than $20.  20 bucks a week is not bad.

Read some of the GRP before taking Ms P on her walk.

Sunday nap and then I spent some time installing another chin up bar in the down stairs utility room.  

Scrambled eggs for dinner tonight followed by a walk around the block.  I don't know how much longer I will be able to take my evening walks.  We now have only 14 hour of daylight heading to 12 hours by September 21.  I will enjoy while I can.

End the evening reading the GRP and watching a Netflix show.

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