Sunday, August 13, 2017

Friday August 11, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera 

Today is blog number 2,704.  This is the longest I have ever stuck with a project.  I started in 2008.  I want to thank the readers who said the blog cured their insomnia.

We had a light shower roll through last night.  It was cloudy with temps in mid 60s when I left this morning.  Very humid but I encountered no rain.

Today I resumed push-ups and chin-ups for the first time in two weeks.  The Y had a lot of exercises classes this morning.  All the classes seemed full.

I scanned the Alpena and London papers and found nothing but fluff.  Good grief the Daily Mail did not even have a snake story.

Kim cleaned today and the house looks great.  My sister, Helen, and husband,Don are staying Monday night so we are ready.

Before lunch Nancy and I headed to Costco to restock some items.  Costco was jammed.  They have a lot of fall items on display.

With all the news about hackers and elections, folks who lose an election blame it on hackers.  I think that is what happened in Kenya.  The Kenya election had outside monitors who said they noted no irregularities.

Tonight we are going Mexican.  We are walking over to La Laguna.  They have the best tamales.

Tomorrow night we are having an early dinner at an Italian restaurant on Alpine Ave.  We are going with Nancy’s friend Kathi.

The tamale dinner was great.  We got home in time to watch the news.  Another nice summer’s day.

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