Monday, August 7, 2017

Sunday June 6, 2017

Weekend Update, Sunday sitting on deck sipping wine.

Saturday August 5: we both slept in until 0700. It was cool this morning, high 50s but sunny. We walked to Panera for our standard Saturday breakfast. The place was busier than the past two Saturdays. I think most folks with teenagers are back in town because fall activities start soon.

At home Nancy started laundry and I got on the bike clothes and headed out. Today I pedaled the Buttrick/Thornapple/Burton route. Total distance was 15 miles. 15-20 miles is about my maximum ride. Any distance over 20 miles wipes me out.

Stopped at Meijer's on way home to pick up a prescription. My sinus infection continues so the Doc prescribed a new antibiotic.

Took Ms P on a short walk before lunch. Nancy and I made a quick trip to Walmart so we could return bottles and buy some fruit. The bottle deposit paid for the fruit.

Short nap and then we headed out to the K67 restaurant on East Beltline. K67 is a Brann’s restaurant so we both had their small sizzler. Nancy had a groupon so the total bill was less than $10. We gave K67 a B.

Debbie face timed us last night and we spent time catching. Debbie spent most of the week in Austin, TX. Her only comment was that it was hot. Next week she heads to London, U.K.

Watched a Dr Blake Mystery before turning in.

Sunday August 6: the alarm went off at 0630 and we get ready for our Sunday trip to the Y. I had a quick breakfast.

Nancy swam and I did some calisthenics and ran/walked a mile. On way home we stopped at Panera for coffee.

1000 we head to Trinity Lutheran for their 1030 service. I thought the church was crowded but Nancy disagreed. We both miss the 1000 Celebration Service that was discontinued for the summer. I hope it returns in the fall. I like the informal setting especially being able to drink coffee during the service.

Being Sunday we stopped at Meijer's for supplies. I filled up the Escape. Gas was $2.44.

Emptied the groceries and then took a quick walk around the block. Lunch and then my mandatory Sunday nap. After the nap we took Ms P on her nature walk. Total distance 0.7 miles.

Spent some time downloading upgrades to the laptop. I really don’t use the laptop much anymore because my iPad Pro is so great. My iPad Pro is great but the magic pencil is a bust.

Nancy is fixing me a burger with corn on the cob for dinner. Doesn't that sound like a great summer dinner.

After dinner and the dishes I will take another short walk. I love my evening walks but the days are getting shorter so I don’t know how much longer can take the walk.

Mostly reruns on TV so will read the GRP and maybe watch a Netflix show.

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