Saturday, August 5, 2017

Friday August 4, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Several light showers last night but no rain when I went out this morning. My iPhone weather app now says no rain until 1500.

Nancy attended a class at MVP and I pedaled to the Y via my easy 7 mile route. Did the abs exercises and walked/ran a mile.

I think I am in my summer mode because I have no interest in the news or even “The Daily Mail’s” trash. Same goes for the WSJ.

At home we took Ms P on a short walk. Much cooler today, mid 60s, so I put on long pants for the first time this summer.

I called my best childhood friend, Tommy Collins, and wished him a happy 78th birthday. Tommy lives in San Clemente, Ca.

As forecast it started to rain about 1500. What do you do on a rainy day? Answer, take a nap. After the nap I spent some time paying bills and writing notes to Grandkids.

For dinner we finished the rotisserie chicken. Also had baked potato and fresh fruit.

After dinner walked to mailbox. Last thing we did today was watch an episode of The Tudors.

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