Friday, August 11, 2017

Thursday August 10, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Thursday Nancy’s early swim day.  Up at 0630, Nancy heads out and I stay home and do abs exercises.  I get my stitches removed this afternoon so tomorrow I can resume doing push-ups and chin ups.

No Y today instead I took a12 mile bike ride.  Another dry day with temps in mid 70s.  Rain coming tonight.

The news media is consumed with North Korea.  Why don’t we just take it down a notch?

My Doctor’s appointment is at 1300 so I left Panera early.  The Doctor today removed stitches from my forearm.  I also had her look at at growth on my upper arm that was sampled the same time as the forearm but was non cancerous.  It had grown back so she took another sample.

Stopped at Meijer's for milk.  I was surprised that at mid afternoon the store was jammed.

We took Ms P on a short walk followed by a short nap.

Light dinner and then finished reading the GRP.  We watched an episode of Rake on netflix before turning in.

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