Thursday, August 24, 2017

Wednesday August 23, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Wednesday my easy day,  this morning I stay home because the plumber is coming to replace a leaking water valve.  Nancy headed out to MVP for a class.

Before the plumber arrived I did my normal Wednesday chores early.  I took out the recyclables and emptied the waste baskets.  Also had time to check my email and read some papers.

I use my bike lights during the daylight hours.  Most bikers say it is a good safety practice.  Luckily, my bike lights are rechargeable.  I charged all my lights this morning.

The plumber arrived on time, 0830.  He went right to work and was done in under an hour.  The work involved cutting a larger hole in the ceiling near the valve.  He also had to shut the water off.  This meant going next door and shutting the main valve located in our neighbor’s basement.  This seemed strange to me but I have been told it is standard in condos.  I was impressed with the plumber’s cleanup.  

It was 1000 when I got on my Bianca bike and pedaled to Panera.  The Bianca has an eight speed internal hub but does not pedal as smooth or easy as my Bad Boy.

Being PC is not confined to the USA.  The Aborigines in Australia want a statue of Captain Cook removed.  Apparently Captain Cook claimed he found Australia and of course the Aborigines had been in Australia for centuries.  Maybe the statue should have said the first white man to visit.

The same is happening in Taiwan with statues of Chiang Kia-shel  

President Trump has returned to his bad old ways with his comments to supporters in AZ.  He appears uncontrollable which in time could result in mass defections of his staff.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  I took a walk around the block before lunch.  Lunch and then a load of laundry.  I did find time for a short nap.

I biked to Macatawa Bank to get some money for Kim our cleaning lady.  Stopped at D&W to buy a Powerball ticket.  Tonight is the big drawing.

Spent over an hour hanging up clothes that I had to take out of the cedar closet for the plumber.  I found several nice wool sports coats from the 70s that still fit me.  

Light dinner tonight.  After the dishes I took a short walk.  We watched an episode of Dr Blake before turning in.

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