Friday, August 4, 2017

Thursday August 3, 2017

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Woke up to a heavy fog: rain will arrive at noon according to my iPhone app. Decided to take my Big Boy bike today because it has great lights.

Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP. I did my sit-ups and leg raises at home and then headed out. The fog was heavy enough to create mist on my goggles. I was glad I had my bike lights on. Took my Ada route this morning.

I was within a mile of Panera when the clouds opened up. I was soaked within seconds. Bypassed Panera and headed home for a change of clothes and hot shower.

Nancy and I were in the basement when Ms P let out a bark. She was barking at six huge Sandhill Cranes in our backyard. Nancy got several photos. Sandhill Cranes are a beautiful bird.

I drove the Escape to Panera even though the rain had stopped. My weather app says the rain will resume at 1500 and continue through tomorrow.

The London papers must be taking August off because I found little hard news.

The Trump administration is looking to limit legal immigration. I really don’t like this proposal. I believe in more immigration not less. Think POTUS would listen to me?

Looks like a big showdown is ahead with China over intellectual property rights. I think something should be done but risks of retaliation might be stumbling block.

Took a walk around the block before lunch. Lunch and then tried to take Ms P on a short walk. No luck she heard some distant thunder.

Ran some errands this afternoon. First stop a strip mall that held a bike shop, Bill and Paul’s Sporting Goods and Groskopfs, visited all but no purchase. Next I stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods and again no purchase.

At home I ordered a birthday gift from LL Beans. This evening Nancy and I are going to Brann’s for dinner. I have a bowl of soup and Nancy orders a sandwich. I eat half her sandwich.

Finished outside activities with short walk. Read GRP and watched a Jack Taylor episode on Netflix before turning in.

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