Saturday, August 26, 2017

Friday August 25, 2017

Blog time noon at Panera

I slept in until 0715 this morning.  Still followed my normal routine.  Today I rode my single speed bike.  I bought the Nishiki at Eastern Ave Bike in the late 70s.  Temp was in  mid 50s when I left so I wore multiple layers.  My Sister said they had frost warnings in Gaylord.  Much, much too early.

I love riding the single speed as long as I avoid steep hills.  I wore multiple layers and yet saw many walkers wearing only a short sleeve tee.  What is wrong with my heating/cooling system?

Fall sports are under way so the Alpena News had a lot of coverage of local teams.  They do a good job with all the area schools.

The London papers are reporting on BRexit negotiations but no progress appears to be happening.  Several other stories I found interesting:

The EU is having problems with some of their Eastern members.  Poland and Hungary are bucking the system.  

President Macron of France is ruffling some folks at home with his economic reforms.  He has an extremely tough task with the entrenched unions.  He also has created a stir in Poland and Hungary.  Macron is very Pro-EU.

Japan announces that they will soon have unmanned container ships.  The US Navy should be happy to hear that.

Mayor de Blasio of NYC wants to remove statues of Chris Columbus from NYC.  The Mayor thinks Columbus did not play nice with the natives.  

The Telegraph did have a snake story.

Taking Ms P on her nature walk has become routine.  She enjoys it.

Speaking of nature four Sand Hill Cranes were whooping in the back yard.  They seem to be living in the area.  Beautiful birds.

Nancy fired up the grill and grilled hot dogs and corn on the cob.  Great meal especially when served with fresh fruit.

The evening news was all about the hurricane heading for Texas.  They are predicting 35” of rain in places.  That is a lot of rain.  The heaviest 24 hour rain I have ever seen was 18”.  That was in 1963 in Danang, Vietnam.  They damage from that storm was unbelievable so I cannot imagine the damage from 35” of rain.

We watched an episode of Vera on Acorn before turning in.

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