Sunday, August 27, 2017

Saturday August 26, 2017

Blog time 1620 sitting at dining room table.

Sun but cool this morning, high 40s.  No wind so pleasant walk to Panera.

We had our standard Saturday morning breakfast.  Nancy did get a birthday pastry that she bagged and took home.

At home Nancy started doing laundry and I got on the single speed and took a 14 mile ride.  Beautiful Saturday so the trails were filled with walkers and bikers.  I did stop at Ada Bike and bought a rear light for the single speed.

We all took our nature walk before a quick lunch.  Light lunch and then a short nap.

Tonight we are going to Houlihan’s for dinner.  Nancy has a free birthday meal.

I have not looked at any papers today.  Later I will make a quick scan and make comments.  

Blog resumes at 1610 on the 27th;

Scanned several papers and found articles on the French President’s makeup and POTUS pardoning the AZ sheriff and insulting more GOP politicians.  This is news?

Hurricane Harvey is big news, none of it good.  

The Alpena High Wildcat lost their opening football game against Escanaba.  It has been a long time since Alpena has had a good team.  In the 50s three losses was considered a failed season.

As mentioned earlier we had an early dinner at Houlihan’s.  Nancy had a free birthday meal.  Enjoyable meal, I had salmon with mashed potatoes and Nancy had a big salad.  We have never had a bad at Houlihan’s.

I took a walk around the block before watching the final episode of Dr Blake Mysteries.

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